
Showing posts from October, 2023

What’s your Moat? How would you build one?

The term “moat” has a unique meaning in the world of business and venture investment. In this sense, a moat is not a water-filled trench enclosing a fortress but rather a metaphor for a company’s competitive edge. It refers to the distinct and long-lasting characteristics that distinguish a company from its competitors and allow it to prosper in the long run. Understanding what a moat is, how important it is, and why it is important investors, entrepreneurs, and core team. A moat symbolizes a company’s ability to remain lucrative and dominant in its field. A business moat deters competitors from encroaching on a company’s market share in the same way that a physical moat deters invaders from invading a castle. The moat is built in a variety of ways, including brand strength, intellectual property, cost advantages, network effects, and regulatory protection. The brand moat is one of the most frequent forms of moats. Coca-Cola and Apple have created legendary brands that inspire customer

Venture Studio: A game changer or just another fad? (Part3)

  The purpose of this post is to explore the model and its benefits, as well as its potential drawbacks. Additionally, we will discuss how venture studios differ from traditional incubators and venture capital firms, highlighting their unique approach to entrepreneurship and innovation.  Startup studios, often known as venture builders, are becoming increasingly popular. There were less than a handful a few years ago. There are now over 750+ in the world. Despite ranking fourth in terms of a quality entrepreneurship ecosystem, India has only 4-5 (publicly known) studios. Let's dig in. Recap A venture studio, also known as a startup studio, is a concept in which studios provide entrepreneurs with not only funding support but also operational help and resources. Studios are frequently equipped with in-house talent sourcing teams, marketing teams, industry expertise, extra office space, and other tools that can be made available to early-stage entrepreneurs. The venture studio model h

Pivots, Funding, Valuation and Purpose

For entrepreneurs, particularly those starting out on this road for the first time, the word "pivot" might evoke panic. Potential perception is one factor that makes altering the direction of your company intimidating. However, users are familiar with pivots. They've seen it all before, and depending on how you manage it, their responses can differ dramatically.   Why pivot early?  Pivoting early allows entrepreneurs to adapt and respond to market feedback and changing circumstances. It enables them to fine-tune their business model, identify new opportunities, and avoid wasting time and resources on a path that may not lead to success. Additionally, pivoting early can help entrepreneurs attract funding and investors, who are more likely to support a company that demonstrates agility and the ability to evolve.    Fund Raise You must first be honest with yourself and decide why you are starting a fundraising campaign. Are you pursuing this for the praise? Has someone instr

Venture Studio: A game changer or just another fad? (Part2)

The purpose of this post is to explore the model and its benefits, as well as its potential drawbacks. Additionally, we will discuss how venture studios differ from traditional incubators and venture capital firms, highlighting their unique approach to entrepreneurship and innovation. Startup studios, often known as venture builders, are becoming increasingly popular. There were less than a handful a few years ago. There are now over 750+ in the world. Despite ranking fourth in terms of a quality entrepreneurship ecosystem , India has only 4–5 (publicly known) studios. Let’s dig in. Why a Venture Studio? Over the next 20 years, several industries will change more than they did in the previous 200. Any change carries a tremendous amount of uncertainty, and businesses frequently find it difficult to manage these situations. Standard & Poor companies now have an average tenure of just 15 years, down from 67 years in the 1920s. Understanding unmet or underserved client demands and prom

Venture Studio: A game changer or just another fad? (Part1)

The purpose of this blog post is to explore the advantages and benefits of the venture studio model as well as its potential drawbacks. Additionally, we will discuss how venture studios differ from traditional incubators and venture capital firms, highlighting their unique approach to entrepreneurship and innovation.  Startup studios, often known as venture builders, are becoming increasingly popular. There were less than a handful a few years ago. There are now over 750+ in the world. Despite ranking fourth in terms of a quality entrepreneurship ecosystem , India has only 4-5 (publicly known) studios. Let's dig in. What is a Venture Studio? A venture studio is a unique business model that combines elements of a startup incubator and a venture capital firm. It focuses on building and launching multiple companies in-house, providing them with resources, expertise, and support throughout their growth stages.  Venture studios play a crucial role in the startup ecosystem by offering a